Decorated bridge urges London commuters to ‘Love Mondays’

Instead of a routine walk to work on a damp, dreary morning, commuters in London were greeted Monday with a colorful jaunt across the London Bridge.

A group called Spark Your City had spent the night installing a mosaic of colorful tiles that spanned the nearly 300-meter length of the bridge over the River Thames. A sign welcomed commuters with the message “Love Mondays.”

BBC Radio 1 presenter Gemma Cairney collaborated with Spark Your City to redecorate the bridge. Though the tiles were scheduled to adorn the bridge for only a day, the event is the start of “a global movement dedicated to spark joy in everyday city life,” according to the group’s website.

Spark Your City says it hopes to hold 1,000 such “events” in 50 cities by the end of 2015. The next scheduled “Spark” is planned for August 12 in London, although the group is mum on details to preserve the element of surprise.

U.S. cities, without formal dates announced, are Miami and New York.

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