Trump slams Hillary Clinton, calls her ‘pathetic’

Donald Trump said Hillary Clinton is blaming him for the killings in Charleston, South Carolina, an attack he returned as “pathetic” and as evidence that “politicians are just no good.”

In an 11-second video posted to his Instagram account on Friday, Trump, the bombastic new entrant into the Republican presidential race, said Clinton “blamed me for the horrendous attack that took place in South Carolina.”

In an interview on Thursday, Clinton said Trump’s comments about Mexicans during his announcement speech typified the inflammatory rhetoric that could “trigger people who are less than stable to do something” like the shootings.

Trump said during his speech that some Mexicans who come to the United States are “rapists.”

“Everybody should stand up and say that’s not acceptable. You know, you don’t talk like that on talk radio,” Clinton said in the interview.

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