Ben Carson does his Australian accent

Dr. Ben Carson did his Australian accent at the Faith and Freedom Coalition conference Friday in Washington, while recounting his experience working as a neurosurgeon in Australia.

“The biggest problem we had was keeping up with all the dinner invitations. They love Americans and they like to hear your accent,” Carson said. “When I would dictate an operative, sometimes the ladies would call me and say ‘Dactah Car-son! We can’t understand your accent.'”

As his accent spurred laughter from the crowd, Carson said that he would respond with “Excuse me, I’m the American. You have the accent.”

The Republican presidential candidate also said that Australians always tried to touch his hair.

“I would say you can feel it but it’s gonna cost you ten bucks,” Carson said.

He also added that he “would always tell the Aussies,” whose names he couldn’t remember “because they all looked alike,” that he realized why God sent him to Australia.

“There were only four nuerosurgical consultants in all of western Australia. And once they discovered that I knew how to operate … they left me in charge of the major teaching hospital,” Carson said.

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