Donald Trump thinks pretty much everyone is a loser

For a man who will most likely lose next year’s presidential race, Donald Trump sure thinks a lot of other people are losers.

Trump announced the launch of his official campaign Tuesday, kicking off what is sure to be an entertaining ride full of drama and plenty of insults.

Here are just a few people “The Donald” thinks are morons, idiots, losers and — perhaps his favorite take-down — dummies.

Washington Post reporter Chris Cillizza

NBC Host Chuck Todd

Former Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel

The sign language interpreter at Nelson Mandela’s funeral (!)

“Modern Family” writer

Conservative columnist George Will

Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer

Conservative blogger Michelle Malkin

Republican strategist Karl Rove

Republican pollster Frank Luntz

CNN contributor Ana Navarro

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban


The New York Daily News

National Review writer Jonah Goldberg

Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter

British Prime Minister David Cameron

Former NBC News anchor Brian Williams

Random guy on Twitter

Liberal activist Bill Moyers

Bloomberg reporter John Heilemann

Actor Sasha Baron Cohen

Comedian Jon Stewart

Actress Rosie O’Donnell

Comedian Russell Brand


Your humble correspondent, Chris Moody

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