7 attacks Donald Trump made during his speech

Presidential candidate, reality TV star and real-estate tycoon Donald Trump launched his campaign Tuesday in a fiery speech at his Manhattan skyscraper.

Trump announced his plans for everything from saving Medicare and Medicaid to building a wall on the border of Mexico. He also made mention to President Barack Obama and the “You know, the 400 people,” that are his fellow presidential hopefuls. Here are some Trumps’ most notable burns:

1. Trump vs. Perry

“And I can tell you some of the candidates they went in, they didn’t know the air conditioner didn’t work. They sweated like dogs.” Trump took a jab at former Texas governor, Rick Perry, who could be seen noticeably sweating during his presidential candidacy announcement, early in his speech.

2. Trump vs. Chafee

Right after mentioning Perry’s perspiration, Trump noted Democratic presidential candidate and Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee’s less than filled room during his campaign announcement, “They didn’t know the room was too big because they didn’t have anybody there. How are they going to beat ISIS?”

3. Trump vs. Obama

“He wasn’t a cheerleader, he’s actually a negative force,” Trump said about Obama during his speech shortly before officially announcing he was running for president. Trump also criticized the negotiating abilities of the current administration, “Our President doesn’t have a clue, he’s a bad negotiator. He’s the one who did Berghdal. We get Berghdal, they get five killer terrorists that everybody wanted over there. We get Berghdal, we get a traitor.”

4. Trump vs. Bush

Trump took a shot at Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, questioning his intelligence and referring to the infamous blunder Bush made in May on his response to his brother invading Iraq, “All of these politicians that I’m running against now, they’re trying to disassociate. I mean, you looked at Bush, it took him five days to answer the question on Iraq. He couldn’t answer the question, he didn’t know. I said, ‘Is he intelligent?'”

5. Trump vs. Rubio

Similarly, Trump criticized Florida Sen. Marco Rubio on his Iraq position, “I looked at Rubio, he was unable to answer the question, Is Iraq a good thing or a bad thing? He didn’t know. He couldn’t answer the question. How are these people going to lead us?” Trump went on to criticize the rest of the candidate pool’s leadership, “How are these people going to lead us? How are we going to go back and make it great again? We can’t. They don’t have a clue. They can’t lead us. They can’t. They can’t even answer simple questions.”

6. Trump vs. Bush (again)

“Bush is totally in favor of common core. I don’t see how he could possibly get the nomination. He’s weak on immigration, he’s in favor of common core. How the hell could you vote for this guy? He just can’t do it,” Trump said, again criticizing the fellow Republican candidate.

7. Trump vs. Kerry

Trump even made a jab at Secretary of State John Kerry, “I will stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons and we won’t be using a man like Secretary Kerry that has absolutely no concept of negotiation, who’s making a horrible and laughable deal.”

“We have losers, we have people that don’t have it. We have people that are morally corrupt. We have people who are selling this country down the drain,” Trump said in his speech. But with that, he is officially in the 2016 race.

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