The gentle soul who watches over jaded ‘Post Nation’

When legendary New York Post editor Vincent Musetto died this week, the legions of ex-Posties got word in an email addressed to the “Post Nation.”

“Our friend and colleague Vincent Musetto passed away,” began the email from Myron Rushetzky.

Musetto, 74, was the editor who wrote the tabloid’s most famous headline, “Headless Body in Topless Bar,” as well as others — like “Khadafy Goes Daffy.”

That email began the equivalent of an online wake as many of the more than 200 current and former Post employees on Rushetzky’s email chain typed out their memories of Musetto – jumping on desks was most frequently mentioned — and hit “reply all.”

Among the emails celebrating Musetto’s life were those thanking Rushetzky.

“We are all heartbroken by the news today. Thanks to Myron for keeping everyone informed,” wrote Post publisher Jesse Angelo.

Rushetzky, 63, is the gentle soul who watches over the jaded souls of the New York Post.

His email address list includes former Posties as they call themselves who have spread out to other publications, across the country, overseas and to other professions.

“It is the greatest email chain ever,” said former Post reporter Joy Cook.

The list includes the authors of books, like Pete Hamill, and past publishers like Ken Chandler.

When Myron first sent out the word that Musetto was fading, Hamill replied with a testament to the old Postie’s resilience, “Start counting ten over him. He’ll get up.”

Musetto didn’t get up this time and Rushetzky’s email chain received dozens of replies to the death announcement.

“My vivid memory of him was standing up on someone’s desk shouting how we needed a headline,” recalled Jill Brooke.

“Vinnie was one of a kind. We should all stand on our desks in tribute,” wrote former Postie Stephen Bromberg. “Rest in peace, old friend.”

Many news organizations are marked by their tribal loyalties, and for the Post, it revolves around Rushetzky, a former office manager who worked at the paper from 1974 until his retirement in 2013.

Like a celebrity who can get by with one name, he is simply Myron to anyone who has worked at the paper. During his time at the Post, Myron famously kept track of folks’ schedules, both work and personal. Everybody got a birthday card. Reporters’ children got birthday cards, and many spouses were alerted to their wedding anniversaries by the arrival of Myron’s card.

Families and friends now turn to him in the hardest of times. Before Musetto died, his family asked Myron to put out the word that Musetto would like to hear from his former colleagues.

Myron was also called upon last week to alert old friends to the decline of former reporter Margie Feinberg, and he helped marshal visitors to her hospital room. His phone rang shortly after midnight last Friday with the news that Margie had died and Post Nation woke up to a somber email that began, “We lost our dear friend….”

Since Feinberg died without any family, Myron helped arrange a memorial service and the shiva, the Jewish mourning ritual.

People have urged Myron to upgrade to Facebook, but he has resisted. Like his now gray moustache, Myron reeks of old school.

“I don’t speak Facebook. I don’t speak MySpace. I don’t speak Twitter,” he once explained. He is perfectly comfortable with the “reply all” button on email.

The Post Nation email isn’t only for wakes. It’s been used to announce books being published and retirements. Someone commandeered Myron’s email chain to announce Myron’s retirement.

Just as he did during his nearly 40 years at the paper, Myron sees his role as taking care of his colleagues. He declined to be interviewed for this story, but knowing how that doesn’t usually stop an ex-Post reporter, he added, “Just spell my name right.”

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