Student Wins Billboard Design Challenge

(Provided photo)
(Provided photo)

CLEARFIELD – Cruz Wright of Leslie Grice’s seventh grade Gifted Support Class at the Clearfield Area Junior-Senior High School was recently rewarded for his creativity in the challenge to develop a billboard design promoting CNB’s 150th anniversary.

The challenge was following a tour of the main office and a presentation given by CNB Bank on the various aspects of marketing and advertising. Designs from Grice’s class were promoted on CNB’s Facebook page, where one “like” counted as one vote.

The winner, Cruz Wright, received $100 in Chamber gift checks for his design.

Pictured, from left, are: Rich Greslick, executive vice president/chief operating officer, CNB Bank; Kellie Swales, marketing specialist, CNB Bank; Wright; Tim Janocko, school principal; and Grice.

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