Hulu checked with TLC before removing ’19 Kids and Counting’

The streaming video site Hulu removed its collection of “19 Kids and Counting” episodes “in consultation with TLC,” Hulu chief executive Mike Hopkins said Thursday.

The show’s disappearance from Hulu was the latest response to the revelations that one of the stars, Josh Duggar, molested several girls when he was a teenager.

Amid an avalanche of negative news stories, TLC removed all the scheduled reruns of “19 Kids” from its lineup last Friday, and the channel hasn’t said whether the series will ever resume production.

But past episodes of the show remained on Hulu and through Wednesday. Users began to notice that they’d been wiped away on Thursday morning.

In an interview with CNNMoney, Hopkins declined to say whether TLC had asked for the episodes to be removed, but he said, “We’re partners. We license the show from them. And of course, as you know, they took it off of their platforms, so we did the same.”

Like TLC has, Hopkins left the door open for the show to return to the streaming service sometime — he said the episodes had been taken offline “for the time being.”

More than a dozen advertisers have sought to distance themselves from the “19 Kids” franchise in recent days. But Hopkins indicated that Hulu’s move was not related: “For us, it wasn’t an advertising decision at all.”

Hulu’s broader streaming deal with TLC — covering shows like “The Little Couple” — is unaffected by Thursday’s move.

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