CLEARFIELD – Thanks to the dedication of 32 volunteers, the task and expense of filing federal, state and local income taxes was less burdensome for Clearfield County individuals 60 years of age and older or those who are low-income.
The Tax-Aide volunteers dedicated 6,550 hours of service, assisting 1836 individuals with their income tax preparation. Initial results showed that 1,451 state and 1,779 federal income tax forms and 1,779 property tax and rent rebate forms were prepared for consumers this year.
The Clearfield County Tax-Aide program for the elderly is sponsored by AARP, the IRS and the Clearfield County Area Agency on Aging Inc. The program was held at eight sites throughout the county under the direction of District Coordinator, Sharon Durandetta.
Although tax season is officially over, the Tax-Aide program continues to improve their program for next year. They are recruiting new members for next year’s team. If you are interested in becoming a Tax-Aide volunteer or learning more about the program, contact the CCAAA at 814-765-2696 or 1-800-225-8571.
AARP, the IRS , the CCAAA and those in charge of the Tax-Aide program would like to thank all of the volunteers who dedicated their time to take the Tax-Aide training and to help so many of their fellow neighbors in Clearfield County.
Programs and services of the agency are funded in part by the Pennsylvania Department of Aging, the Clearfield County Area Agency on Aging Inc., Mature Resources Foundation and local and consumer contributions.