Norwegian cruise ship runs aground near Bermuda

The Norwegian Dawn cruise ship has run aground near Bermuda, an official with the Department of Marines and Ports said.

None of the people on board was injured and the ship isn’t taking on water, Chief Maritime Operations Controller Denis Rowe said.

Norwegian Cruise Line said the ship still had power and its team was assessing the situation.

“Norwegian Dawn temporarily lost power as the ship was departing King’s Wharf, Bermuda. The ship’s propulsion was affected and, at which time, the vessel made contact with the channel bed. All guests and crew are safe,” spokeswoman Vanessa Picariello said.

The ship has 3,737 people on board — 2,675 passengers and 1,062 crew members.

Twitter user Rachel Hansen posted photos from the ship. In one, it appears crew members are being lowered in a small vessel into the Atlantic Ocean to inspect the ship.

Hansen, a 19-year-old student at Coastal Carolina University, said passengers remain “pretty calm” as crews investigated the incident. Other crew members locked watertight doors on the ship’s fourth level, she said.

Rowe said the ship is stable and there appeared to be no damage or pollution to the water.

The incident happened Tuesday evening in the island’s North Channel.

The Norwegian Dawn originally sailed from Boston to Bermuda, according to Norwegian Cruise Line’s website. It is 965 feet long and weighs 92,000 tons.

Petty Officer Lanola Stone of the Coast Guard in Massachusetts said it’s unclear if the ship will continue to its next destination or if the passengers will need to disembark.

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