Joni Mitchell’s friend files for conservatorship

A longtime friend of Joni Mitchell has filed a legal petition seeking to be named the singer-songwriter’s conservator.

Mitchell, who was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1997, was taken to UCLA Medical Center a month ago after being found unconscious in her home.

She remains at the hospital, according to Leslie Morris’ court petition filed April 28. Morris is described as Mitchell’s friend of more than 44 years in the legal documents.

Whether the folk and jazz singer is conscious remains a matter of some confusion.

In her April 28 petition, Morris says Mitchell is unconscious: “At this time she (Mitchell) remains unconscious and unable to make any responses, and is therefore unable to provide for any of her personal needs.”

But on Mitchell’s website, a statement posted the same day that says it was approved by Morris says Mitchell is alert.

“Contrary to rumors circulating on the Internet today, Joni is not in a coma. Joni is still in the hospital — but she comprehends, she’s alert, and she has her full senses. A full recovery is expected. The document obtained by a certain media outlet simply gives her longtime friend Leslie Morris the authority — in the absence of 24-hour doctor care — to make care decisions for Joni once she leaves the hospital.”

When asked about the discrepancy between statements about Mitchell’s health on her website and in the legal filing, her publicist, Alisse Kingsley, responded that “the website” was accurate.

A doctor’s capacity declaration stated that Mitchell will likely be unable, due to her medical condition, to attend any court hearings for the next four to six months.

Adoring fans are posting their tributes to Mitchell at

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