Van Hollen calls on Lynch to visit Baltimore

Maryland Rep. Chris Van Hollen called on Attorney General Loretta Lynch to visit Baltimore after recent riots caused the mayor to institute a week-long curfew and Gov. Larry Hogan activated the National Guard.

“I think it makes sense for her to go visit Baltimore and get a firsthand look at the situation,” Van Hollen told CNN.

Van Hollen didn’t criticize Lynch.

“I’m satisfied that she’s putting maximum resources into the effort,” he told CNN, after participating in a conference call with the newly sworn in attorney general with other members of Maryland’s congressional delegation.

Asked if President Barack Obama should also travel up to Baltimore, Van Hollen said, “I think the attorney general should go.”

The conference call with Lynch included an update on the independent investigation the Justice Department is conducting into the death of Freddie Gray, who died while in police custody, as well as a discussion on the ongoing situation with police tactics, according to Van Hollen.

Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings, whose district includes Baltimore, released a statement after the call with Lynch, saying it was “a very productive conversation.”

“I feel confident that the (Justice Department) will conduct thorough investigations and that the findings will help provide answers to the many questions surrounding the death of Freddie Gray and the policies and practices of the Baltimore City Police Department,” Cummings said.

Van Hollen is campaigning for the Senate seat of retiring Maryland Democratic Sen. Barbara Mikulski. Cummings has also said he hasn’t ruled out also competing for the seat.

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