Rand Paul and Harry Reid fist bump in sunglasses on Senate floor

At the end of a long day in the Senate on Wednesday, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, donned a pair of sunglasses as he approached the Senate floor and went in for a fist bump with Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada.

Immediately following the fist bump, Paul proceeded to remove his shades with a smile and shrug as colleagues looked on.

Reid’s sunglasses have been a mainstay during public appearances on the Hill following an accident involving exercise equipment that left him unable to see in one eye.

This comes just off the news that Ray-Ban asked Paul’s campaign to stop selling their wayfarers with the “Rand” logo on them. The campaign did not have Ray-Ban’s consent, according to an email a spokesperson sent to The Hill.

The product has since been pulled from his campaign site but shades remain a part of Paul’s style — at least on the Senate floor Wednesday.

Check out the whole interaction.

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