2-Month-Old Baby Killed by Family’s Pit Bull

By Web Staff

Dallas, TX (KDAF) — We’ve all seen the cute videos of dogs interacting with babies. Sometimes, however, things go from cute to catastrophic. That’s what happened Sunday on Beechnut street. A dad left his 2-month-old in a bouncy seat and went outside for a few moments to turn on the sprinkler.

Back inside, he saw the unthinkable. The family dog had baby Brayden in his jaws.

The distraught dad shot the pit bull. Both parents tried to rescue him, but he didn’t make it.

“They didn’t intend for it to happen, it’s sad. A 2-month-old baby gone,” neighbor Jimmy Duffey said. “Let God give them comfort in their time of sorrow.”

“Motorized things, things that swing, those things seem to be triggers for dogs, just like with any animal, you never leave a child unsupervised, no matter how much you trust them,” Lauren Roundtree, owner and trainer at the Traveling Dog Trainer said.

Roundtree also explained how dogs might view small children as threatening being that, due to their stature, they are always on eye level with the dogs.

Last year, 42 people were killed in the U.S. by a dog. And in 27 of those deaths, the dog was a pit bull.

Texas is #1 when it comes to lethal dog attacks.

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