Minnesota governor: Bring back the umlauts!

In Minnesota, they get a little upprord if you try to take away their umlauts. Sorry, sorry. Upprörd.

(It means upset in Swedish.)

After the most recent U.S. Census, the state’s Department of Transportation replaced the city limit signs for the city of Lindström, about 45 minutes from the Twin Cities. You know, “America’s Little Sweden.”

But the town became Lindstrom, because the federal government says it has specific requirements for letters on road signs and they don’t include diacritical marks.

The people of Lindström — population about 4,500 — were not pleased when the dots disappeared.

In stepped Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton, who Wednesday signed an executive order requiring the transportation department to put the old signs back up.

“Nonsensical rules like this are exactly why people get frustrated with government,” Dayton says. “Even if I have to drive to Lindström, and paint the umlauts on the city limit signs myself, I’ll do it.”

There you go, Lindström. Your dots will be back soon.

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