Forester Offers Tips to Prevent Spring Fires

EMPORIUM – Even in this part of Pennsylvania, spring fires can have devastating effects on the land, financial impacts for both the person who started the fire and those who were impacted, as well as the countless hours of work by local volunteers required to extinguish the fires, according to Jeanne Wambaugh, district forester, Elk State Forest.

“Every year, families lose their home and possessions to wildfires. These losses can be eliminated if homeowners, camp owners and campers alike, take the time and effort to become aware of safety measures to help protect their lives and their property,” said Wambaugh. She offered the following tips to prevent dangerous spring fires:

“Remember, we need your help to reduce the number of fires and the damage they can cause,” said Wambaugh. “People burning debris is the number one cause of forest fires and it only takes one spark to start a fire. But, with your help and your neighbors, we can protect our state forests as well as your neighborhood.”

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