Clinton Foundation to continue accepting foreign money during Hillary’s run

The Clinton Foundation will accept donations from foreign governments while Hillary Clinton runs for president, the organization announced Wednesday evening.

Clinton, who resigned from her philanthropy’s board of directors immediately after declaring her presidential campaign on Sunday, has drawn fire for her family foundation’s acceptance of money from countries considered hostile to the United States.

The Foundation will now only accept funding from Australia, Canada, German, the Netherlands Norway and the United Kingdom, according to new foundation policies that will be posted online but was obtained by CNN.

The foundation also pledges to disclose its donors quarterly beginning in July — as opposed to annually — and to not hold any more Clinton Global Initiative events overseas following an international conference in May.

“While it’s common for global charities to receive international support, it’s rare to find an organization as transparent as the Clinton Foundation,” said Craig Minassian, a foundation spokesman.

“By implementing this new, even stronger and more transparent policy, the Clinton Foundation is reinforcing its commitment to accountability while protecting programs that are improving the lives of millions of people around the world,” he said.

The policy change was first reported by The Wall Street Journal.

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