Apple bans selfie sticks

In the latest sign of the apocalypse, Apple has banned selfie sticks from its upcoming WWDC developers conference.

Apple’s attendance policy for the June event bans professional photography and GoPro wearable cameras. Personal photos and selifes are fine — as long as they’re not shot with a phone that’s attached to a telescoping stick.

“You may not use selfie sticks or similar monopods” at the event, Apple’s policy reads. “Any attendee conducting these activities may be removed from WWDC.”

The only thing more embarrassing than being caught in public using a selfie stick is being thrown out of an event for using one.

Though Apple didn’t explicitly state why selfie sticks were banned, they likely pose a liability issue for Apple (people getting whacked by them). And they’re just generally a nuisance. An Apple spokeswoman could not be reached for comment.

Selfie sticks are this generation’s boom boxes — public annoyances used by narcissist morons who can’t be bothered to wear headphones or extend their arms a little.

They have been banned from many large, public venues, including the Kentucky Derby, English Premier League soccer stadiums, London’s National Gallery, New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Palace of Versailles, the Coachella music festival, Disney World, among others.

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