Teenage boy in coma after rodeo accident

By Amy Nay

Price, UT (KUTV) — Garth Heap, 15, is a young cowboy who is in a coma after a rodeo accident in a saddle bronc event in Price.

Heap was competing for the West Lake High School rodeo team on Friday night when his foot got caught in a stirrup.

His horse dragged him for a short distance then kicked him in the head.

Emergency crews rushed him to a hospital in Price. From there, he was flown to Primary Children’s Hospital.

“This hospital is going crazy because he has as many as 60 plus visitors a day,” Wendy Littlewood, Heap’s Aunt, Said.
“He’s got high school teachers, friends, neighbors, family, people coming from all over to see him. He’s one of those kids who touches your heart.”

Heap remains in critical condition. Doctors have him in a medically induced coma so his brain can rest as the swelling goes down.

“I love the kid and we’re so proud of the man that’s he’s becoming and we hope that he continues to get better and stronger,” Littlewood said. “Everybody’s prayers and any support they can give is just so much appreciated by all of us including his parents.”

The family has set up a Go-Fund Me account to help Garth’s family pay for medical bills. You can access that account here: http://de.gofund.me/rn6p9q8g

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