READER PHOTOS: A Successful Fishing Day

20150411_115217Brothers Monte Diethrick, 7, and Warren Diethrick, 9, each caught two brook trout on Saturday while participating in the state-wide mentored youth fishing day. The boys were at Moose Creek in Lawrence Township; their proud parents and fishing mentors are Jessica and Kenner McKendrick of Clearfield.

“Trapper” Kenneth A. McKendrick, 2 ½, caught his first-ever fish Saturday, as well. He was participating in the mentored youth fishing day with his grandfather, Kenneth L. McKendrick, along with his two brothers, Warren and Monte and his parents, Jessica and Kenner McKendrick, all of Clearfield. Trapper caught his fish at Moose Creek in Lawrence Township.

Both photos were submitted by GantDaily reader Jessica McKendrick of Clearfield. Readers can submit their photos to or

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