Saturday Night Live: ‘The Clintons are baaack’

Saturday Night Live sketched the return of the Clinton family — “such a fun, approachable dynasty,” in comedian Kate McKinnon’s Hillary Clinton portrayal — on the eve of Clinton’s entrance into the 2016 presidential race.

The skit, in the comedy’s version of the Clintons’ Chappaqua, New York, home, featured McKinnon’s Clinton trying and failing to filming a video to kick off her campaign.

Her first stab: “Citizens, you will elect me. I will be your leader!”

After a few others, an aide said they’d just delete the bad takes off Clinton’s phone, to which she responded that they, “Know a thing or two about that, right?”

She joked about the “stiff competition from my fellow Democrats” she’ll face, highlighting former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley and cracking up as she tried to claim she was taking him seriously.

“Martin O’Malley instead of me — he sounds like a Simpsons character,” she said.

One Clinton line about being “a voice for women everywhere” prompted a response — “Did someone say women everywhere?” — as Darrell Hammond reprised his role as Bill Clinton.

“Hillary, isn’t it crazy that phones can take videos now? I mean if they could have done that in the ’90s, I’d be in jail,” he said.

Hammond’s Clinton, craving attention, worked his way into the video several times — once to claim he’d be his wife’s vice president, and once to play his saxophone.

After insisting that the campaign wouldn’t be about her, but about helping ordinary Americans, McKinnon’s Clinton finally said: “Oh, who am I kidding, buckle up America because the Clintons are baaack!”

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