Hillary Clinton’s campaign-in-waiting outlines guiding principles

Hillary Clinton’s campaign-in-waiting met on Saturday in its Brooklyn headquarters, a day before the former secretary of state officially announces her campaign for president, according to a Democrat who attended the meeting.

Robby Mook, Clinton’s soon-to-be campaign manager, distributed a “values statement” at the meeting that outlined what the campaign will stand for, what their goals are and how they plan to win — something Clinton failed to do in 2008.

The campaign’s purpose, the document states, is “to give every family, every small business, and every American a path to lasting prosperity by electing Hillary Clinton the next President of the United States.”

The document makes clear that the campaign will try to avoid mistakes that plagued Clinton’s failed 2008 run. Many of the “guiding principles” in the memo mention issues that sunk Clinton’s first campaign.

The document, according to the source, includes the ideas from Mook, along with a wide array of Clinton’s soon-to-be staffers and advisers.

The memo maintains that the campaign must remain humble, disciplined and united, something voters in Iowa and others states have said Clinton did not do in 2008.

“This campaign is not about Hillary Clinton and not about us,” reads the document that was obtained by CNN. In the section about the campaign’s guiding principles, the document reads, “We are humble: We take nothing for granted, we are never afraid to lose, we always outcompete and fight for every vote we can win. We know this campaign will be won on the ground, in states.”

It also calls on campaign staffers to remain “disciplined” and “open to a diverse range of views.”

“When we disagree, it’s never personal. Once a decision is made, we execute it — together,” reads the memo. “We know there will be tough days, but we will bounce back and get back to work.”

The document also appears to telegraph the name to Clinton’s campaign: “Hillary for America.”

Clinton is planning to launch her presidential candidacy on Sunday through a video message on social media, according to Democratic sources. Shortly after her announcement, Clinton will travel Iowa and New Hampshire, critical early caucus primary and caucus states.

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