Former TSA agent sentenced to six months in jail for restroom recording

A judge this week sentenced a former TSA agent to six months in jail for secretly videotaping a female co-worker while she was in the bathroom, prosecutors said.

During the investigation, detectives with the Metro Nashville Police Department in Tennessee also found that the agent, 33-year-old Daniel Boykin, entered the woman’s home multiple times, where he took videos, photos and other data. Police found more than 90 videos and 1,500 photos of the victim on Boykin’s phone and computer.

The victim filed a complaint after seeing images of herself on his phone last year. Boykin plead guilty to unlawful photography, aggravated burglary and violation of the computer act, the Nashville District Attorney’s Office said.

Police said the incident happened in a TSA-only restroom, and that there was no evidence public restrooms were targeted.

A TSA official tells CNN that Boykin worked in an administrative capacity and didn’t engage in public security screening.

Assistant District Attorney Amy Hunter said this case was one of the worst invasion of privacy cases she’s seen.

“We are thankful that the sentence includes periodic confinement so that the sentence will hopefully make an impression on this defendant and others,” Hunter said in a statement.

The judge, Randall Wyatt, on Friday called the invasion of privacy “egregious.”

His sentence also includes five and a half years of probation, which will include GPS monitoring.

Boykin was terminated last year when the investigation began. “TSA holds its employees to the highest ethical standards and has zero tolerance for misconduct in the workplace,” TSA’s Ross Feinstein said in a statement.

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