The Obamas paid $93,362 in federal income taxes

No late tax-filing penalties for the First Family.

President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama reported $495,964 in gross income last year, according to their 2014 tax returns released by the White House on Friday afternoon.

The president’s salary accounted for nearly $395,000 of that, while their net business income came to $88,181 from Random House and literary management company Dystel & Goderich. They also earned about $16,000 in taxable interest.

After accounting for $17,400 in tax-deferred retirement savings and a $1,181 deduction for the self-employment payroll taxes they paid, their adjusted gross income came to $477,383, just a little less than they earned the year before.

So how much of all that went to Uncle Sam? The Obamas’ federal income tax bite came to $93,362, or 19.6% of their AGI.

A piece of that tax burden — $2,035 — was attributable to the Medicare surtax on high earners that was created to help fund Obamacare.

The Obamas donated $70,712, or about 15% of their AGI, to more than 30 charities.

They also paid $22,640 in income taxes to their home state of Illinois.

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