Cops: Mom Left Daughter in Dumpster Near Dallas Spa

By Cristina Caballero

Dallas, TX (KDAF) — A day at the spa is normally calm and relaxing. Well, that’s not exactly how things went down at King Spa in Dallas over the weekend.

Surveillance video shows Alicia Carroll, her 7-year-old daughter, her boyfriend and a friend as they made their way into the spa Saturday.

Cops say they got kicked out for bringing their own booze to the party. Surveillance shows Carroll and her daughter walking out around 10 p.m.

What happened next is pretty unbelievable.

“Detectives believe that Ms. Carroll and her daughter climbed into the dumpster because Ms. Carroll believed that the police had been called and were chasing her,” Maj. Rob Sherwin with DPD said.

Cops say sometime in the early hours on Sunday, Carroll climbed out of the dumpster and got a ride home, leaving the 7-year-old behind.

Now, that’s some trash treatment!

Once she came to in the morning, Carroll called the cops saying her friend had her daughter and she couldn’t get a hold of her. But that wasn’t the case.

Witnesses reported seeing the girl wandering the streets alone and afraid.

Now her mom is in hot water, charged with abandoning a child in imminent danger — a second-degree felony.

Carroll’s bond is set at $25,000. Her daughter is now safe in CPS custody.

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