FBI, federal prosecutors investigating Aaron Schock

The FBI and the federal prosecutors in Illinois are investigating whether Rep. Aaron Schock broke the law in accounting for campaign expenses, according to people familiar with the matter.

Schock in recent days announced plans to resign, citing controversy surrounding allegations that he improperly accounted for travel and other contributions from donors and reimbursements for campaign use of a personal car. But the probe managed by prosecutors in the U.S. Attorney’s office in Springfield, Ill., means his legal troubles are just beginning.

The FBI has now begun delivering subpoenas seeking testimony before a grand jury in Springfield, Ill.

A controversy that began with questions sparked by a light-hearted profile of Schock’s “Downton Abbey”-themed office ballooned into a full-blown scandal over the past month that caused the rising GOP star’s rapid fall from grace.

A U.S. law enforcement official says the investigation is at an early stage. Justice Department officials were monitoring published reports about Schock’s expense troubles and were taken by surprise when he announced his resignation, according to another U.S. law enforcement official.

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