Netanyahu to address AIPAC amid controversy

10:01 a.m. – U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power ended her remarks to AIPAC on Monday focusing on the United States’ commitment to standing in lock step with Israel.

“The bond between the United States and Israel is still a national commitment. It should never be a partisan matter,” Power told the crowd. “We cannot and we will not lose sight of that.”

9:33 a.m. – Power has taken the stage at AIPAC, and is scheduled to speak directly before Netanyahu.

“We believe firmly that Israel’s security and the U.S.-Israel partnership transcends politics, it always will,” Power told the conference to a standing ovation.

Power reiterated that the U.S. will not allow Iran to obtain nuclear weapons.

“Talks, no talks. Agreement no agreement. The United States will take whatever steps are necessary to protect our national security and that of our closest allies,” Power continued, adding, “There will never be a sunset on America’s commitment to Israel’s security.”

9:25 a.m. – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to address the annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee policy conference on Monday, a day before he’ll deliver a contentious speech to Congress that’s strained his relationship with President Barack Obama and raised questions about the future of the U.S.-Israeli relationship.

Polling has shown Americans disapprove of House Speaker John Boehner’s move to invite Netanyahu without notifying the White House. That, and the timing of the speech so close to the Israeli election, has critics accusing Boehner and Netanyahu of politicizing the issue of Iranian nuclear talks, and a growing number of Democrats are planning to boycott what they see as an attack on the president.

But on Monday, the prime minister will face a friendly audience of pro-Israel activists, business leaders and others in town for the annual conference, which this year brought together nearly 16,000 attendees to discuss the future of the nation and the potential Iranian nuclear deal.

Netanyahu is expected to use his Tuesday speech to lay out what he believes are the emerging contours of a deal with Iran and warn Congress against accepting a bad deal, and to push for tougher sanctions.

The conflict has shrouded the prime minister’s Tuesday speech in a cloud of controversy, and last week top White House officials warned the way it’s been handled has damaged ties between the two nations. President Obama has declined to meet with Netanyahu during his visit, and will not be attending the speech.

AIPAC activists will fan out across Capitol Hill on Tuesday to lobby legislators to support a bill slapping tougher sanctions on Iran and one subjecting any eventual deal to congressional approval.

Because of the increasingly tense atmosphere surrounding the speech, it risks backfiring on Netanyahu, and even some of his allies have expressed concerns that he may ultimately undermine his cause.

AIPAC CEO Howard Kohr acknowledged Sunday that “the way this speech has come about has created a great deal of upset among Democrats,” but said the situation hasn’t risen to the level of a crisis yet, and “frankly, it’s up to us to not let it become a crisis.

He said the speech would be “important,” and added that “we hope and urge members of Congress to be there to hear what he has to say.”

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