Perry to Clinton: ‘Where’s your loyalty?’

Rick Perry says the Hillary Clinton’s namesake family foundation’s acceptance of foreign countries’ contributions while she served as secretary of state poses a huge problem for her expected presidential campaign.

The former Texas governor and widely-expected Republican 2016 candidate said in an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash that the contributions reported in recent weeks to the Clinton Foundation call the Democratic frontrunner’s loyalty into question.

“I think it falls flat in the face of the American people when it comes to, are you going to trust an individual who has taken that much money from a foreign source? Where’s your loyalty?” Perry said.

He said he believes Americans will question the “appearance of impropriety” and the ethics of the donations — and that they’re clearly different from domestic businesses and business executives who contribute to political campaigns.

“I’m really concerned that — not just going forward — but what has been received at the Clinton Foundation over the course of the years and how that affects this individual’s judgment,” Perry said.

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