Zdravstvuyte! Siri is learning Russian

Zdrastvuyte, Siri. Apple’s voice-controlled virtual assistant is now learning Russian.

A developer version of Apple’s latest smartphone software, the OS 8.3., includes a number of new language options for Siri. Besides Russian, the updated version of Siri will speak Portuguese, Swedish, Turkish, and three other languages.

The voice recognition program was first launched in English in 2011. At the moment, Siri can only communicate in nine languages including Spanish, German, Japanese, and Mandarin.

The language additions were first rumored last year when Apple advertised for several language engineering jobs, looking for native Russian, Thai, Brazilian Portuguese, Swedish, and Turkish speakers.

Apple is yet to reveal who will voice Siri in the new languages. The original American version of Siri was voiced by actress Susan Bennett, while her British counterpart’s voice was that of actor Jon Briggs.

The polyglot Siri should be made available to public when the update is officially released later this year.

Apple has expanded in Russia — iPhone shipments to the country reached 3.25 million last year, double the 2013 number.

But the Silicon Valley giant is now facing pressure in Russia. Last December, it was forced to close its local online store because of plunging ruble. It reopened couple of days later, with the iPhone prices up by 35%.

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