Arrest Elsa! Cops seek comic relief from bitter cold

Know who’s to blame for this nasty, bone-chilling cold? Elsa!

That no-good Queen of Arrendale, with her “cold never bothered me anyway” mantra.

Well, it bothers the cops in Harlan City, Kentucky.

And they’ve put out an all points bulletin to arrest the Snow Queen from “Frozen.”

“Suspect is a blonde female last seen wearing a long blue dress and is known to burst into song ‘Let it Go!'” the suspect description read.

To be sure, the cops had their tongues firmly planted in their cheek. It’s a way, they say, to draw attention to something that’s no laughing matter.

This miserable cold has turned downright deadly in some cases. Ten people have died in this cold snap in Tennessee — five of them of hypothermia.

“As a reminder, do take the precautions you need to keep you, your friends, family, neighbors and pets safe during the snow queen’s mad spell,” the department posted in a followup message on Facebook.

Plain cold

Frozen sums up the misery in the country’s eastern half from Illinois to mid-Florida. The bitter cold has turned Niagara Falls into a static ice-capade and nipped at orange crops in the Sunshine state.

Thirty states have wind chill warnings and advisories posted through Friday, and 185 million people are feeling the deep freeze.

Coping with humor

The Harlan City cops aren’t the first, nor will they be the last, law enforcement agency to (jokingly) ID a scapegoat for the cold.

Last week, cops in Merrimack, New Hampshire — fed up with the snow their region has gotten this winter — put out an arrest warrant for the prognosticating groundhog Punxsutawney Phil.

“We have received several complaints from the public that this little varmint is held up in a hole, warm and toasty,” the department posted on its Facebook page. “He told several people that Winter would last 6 more weeks, however he failed to disclose that it would consist of mountains of snow!”

Two years ago, Phil was indicted for lying when winter continued longer than he predicted.

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