Scott Walker staffs up in New Hampshire

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has hired two strategists to help with his political committee’s effort in New Hampshire as the Republican gears up for a possible 2016 presidential campaign.

Andy Leach, a former executive director of the New Hampshire GOP, and Michael Bir, the political director for the Michigan Republican Party, will join Our American Revival. Leach, who also has worked for New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte, will serve as a senior adviser. Bir is expected to handle the committee’s day-to-day operations in the Granite State. The news was first reported by New Hampshire Journal’s John DiStaso.

Walker is scheduled to visit New Hampshire on March 14, speaking at a state GOP grassroots training event and rally. It will be his first trip to the state since launching his leadership committee last month.

The two-term Republican governor has seen his support among Republican voters in New Hampshire grow in recent polls. An NBC News/Marist survey released over the weekend put him in second place with 15 percent, trailing only former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush with 18 percent and within the poll’s 3.3 percent margin of error.

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