More snow, Boston? Oh, goody, goody. Not.

They dig and they dig and they dig. They uncover their cars, and sidewalks, and roads, and just when people are able to move around again easily…

The darn snow comes back and they start over. Bostonians have a Valentine’s Day to look forward to. If they love more snow. They don’t. They’ve had their fill.

But more flakes are to come down heavy Saturday night and Sunday on top of record level piles on the ground for a good week, the National Weather Service says. Forecasters are warning people in coastal Massachusetts that conditions will be just right for a blizzard.

The snow that has already fallen in Boston is almost the stuff of mythology. The city has set a record 42 inches for the whole month of February. It’s only about half over, and the new snowfall could add another 8 to 14 inches.

Snow shoveling residents are living the fate of Sisyphus — legendary figure who rolls a boulder up a hill. He almost makes it, and the stone rolls back down. He’s doomed to repeat his misery.

Taking it in stride

Still many people in the area are remaining good-natured about the possibility of a fourth big storm this year.

“I mean, I would be really freaked out to see a woolly mammoth, but not surprised. #iceage2015 #bostonsnow,” Hannah Logan of Wenham wrote on Twitter.

“Snow falling… Again… I’m starting to think I live in a snow globe, one that is constantly being shaken! #bostonsnow,” tweeted Boston-based sports reporter Kathryn Tappen.

“Wondering why the #Iditarod committee didn’t consider starting the race in #Boston this year. #wheresoursnow #Alaska #bostonsnow,” Shannyn Moore said.

Valentine’s by the fire

Unfortunately — or fortunately for those guys and gals who aren’t so good at remembering to make reservations — Valentine’s night will be better spent in front of a heat source in one’s home this year.

Boston Mayor Marty Walsh said the city is bringing in additional resources to help deal with the expected snowfall.

“Saturday storm creates a sense of urgency. We’re taking extra steps to make sure Boston and people can dig out on Sunday,” he said.

He urged people who were going out to celebrate the lovers’ holiday do so early and do so close to home. With the special day on Saturday and bad weather in the picture, one restaurant owner said too many people are going to try to go out Friday instead.

“Everyone is going to try to cram it in on Friday. Everyone is already booked on those three days. We can only do so much business. We can’t make it up on one day,” Damien DiPaola, who owns Carmelina’s, told CNN affiliate WBZ. DiPaola said he’s been losing more than $10,000 a week in business due to the succession of storms. He thinks people who have reservations for Saturday and Sunday will cancel.

Flower flight delays

Florists and other businesses who count on Valentine’s Day for extra sales are having their own kind of troubles. Some flights bringing in flowers didn’t make it yet, and drivers were navigating roads only to end up searching for a place to park while a runner races to make the delivery.

Five of Massachusetts’ neighbors are pitching in, sending dump trucks and front-end loaders. New York City was giving up two snow melters, one of which was in action Thursday night, WBZ reported.

Thursday did bring the first signal that spring is coming. A semi pulling a 53-foot trailer pulled away from Fenway Park, hauling the Red Sox team equipment to South Florida. That means the day for pitchers and catchers to report to baseball spring training can’t be too far off.

In case you’re wondering, that’s only a week away.

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