Staffing Change at PH Brookville’s Lobby

BROOKVILLE – Penn Highlands Brookville is making a change to its lobby. The hospital will no longer have staff located at the main entrance on Sundays. For the convenience of patients and visitors, the lobby doors will remain open.

The main lobby is open from 5 a.m. until 8 p.m. daily and is staffed from 6:30 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday. If a visitor needs a room number, directions or any other assistance, he or she may use the courtesy phone, located on the wall beside the information window. Without having to dial, the phone will automatically ring to a staff member.

Anyone needing emergency blood work or diagnostic testing should report to the emergency department. To access the emergency room, take the main elevator to the second floor. Family members needing a meal ticket may also get assistance from the emergency department staff.

Patients and visitors are encouraged to use the main parking lot, as the emergency lot should be kept clear for emergency vehicles.

Penn Highlands Brookville, an affiliate of the Penn Highlands Healthcare system, is committed to proving quality care in the heart of your community.

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