Five things to know for your New Day — Tuesday, February 10

It’s still snowing in Boston. Alabama defies the U.S. Supreme Court. And a selfie leads police to a suspect.

It’s Tuesday and here are the 5 things to know for your New Day


Snow more: The records keep falling in Boston, where winter doesn’t seem to take a break. With a couple of feet of snow yesterday, Bean Town set a 30-day accumulation record at just a fraction under 6 feet. That’s a serious amount of white. Schools will be closed for another day, so will public transportation. Air travel across the Northeast is getting easier. After 2,800 flights were canceled the last two days; maybe a few hundred will be scrubbed today.


Looking for common ground: Representatives of Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France are making preparations for a planned meeting in Belarus tomorrow to discuss efforts to reach a ceasefire. At this point, it’s not certain if the talks will take place, and, if they do, whether they can reach a peace agreement that’ll stick. A previous peace deal quickly fell apart. If the talks fail, U.S. lawmakers will likely ratchet up pressure on President Obama to send weapons to Ukraine.


Standoff: Alabama is fighting back against a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that made it the 37th state to allow same-sex marriages. Alabama’s conservative and controversial Chief Justice Roy Moore has ordered probate judges to ignore the high court and not issue marriage licenses to gay couples. The Human Rights Campaign, a pro-gay marriage group, did a survey yesterday and found that at least 53 of Alabama’s 67 counties were not issuing same-sex marriage licenses.


Ready to start: A jury has been seated in the trial of the man accused of killing “American Sniper” Chris Kyle and another man. The capital murder case against Eddie Ray Routh is set to begin tomorrow in Texas. Routh is accused of killing Kyle and fellow veteran Chad Littlefield at a firing range on February 2, 2013. Selecting a jury was troublesome because of the fame surrounding Kyle. His memoir, “American Sniper” is a best-seller and the movie based on the book has taken in more than $200 million at the box office.


Picture this: Police say a selfie led them to the suspect in the death of 16-year-old boy. According to the criminal complaint, the suspect posed with his alleged victim and then posted the picture to the social media site Snapchat. The photo shows the victim, 16-year old Ryan Mangan, sitting in a chair with a gunshot wound to his face, police documents say. A male taking the photo faces the camera with the victim behind him. Mangan was found dead in his home last week. CNN is not naming the suspect because he is a minor and has not yet been formally charged.

Those are your five biggies for the day. Here are a couple of others that are brewing and have the Internet buzzing.

Say hello to Spot: Boston Dynamics trots out a new four-legged robot. Run spot, run!

Tiny Hamster’s Tiny Date: This is the 5th tale in the series and it’s still CUTE!

Copy cat: Didga has no problem keeping up with her doggy brothers when it comes to tricks.

Canine crazy: What if people acted like dogs at a dog park? It’s an adoption video for animal shelters.

Shell of a time: Our tortoise friend got himself some wheels.

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