Anonymous: We’ve taken down 800 ISIS Twitter accounts

Anonymous appears to be delivering on its promise to take down terrorist group ISIS on the Internet.

The hacking group listed nearly 800 Twitter accounts, 12 Facebook pages and over 50 email addresses that it said were attacked because of their suspected ties to ISIS.

Anonymous declared war against Islamic extremists last month, saying in a YouTube video that they would track down their websites and social media networks and take them down.

In a new video posted Friday, Anonymous sent another warning to ISIS: “You will be treated like a virus, and we are the cure. We own the Internet.”

Checks by CNNMoney found the vast majority of Twitter and Facebook accounts mentioned by Anonymous were displaying a message saying they had been suspended or were not available.

However, a few accounts still seemed to be running.

Anonymous has gained notoriety over the last few years for hacking websites belonging to government departments, companies and other organizations.

Its campaign against ISIS was triggered by the bloody attack on French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in January, in which 12 people were murdered.

“We, Anonymous around the world, have decided to declare war on you the terrorists,” it said in January.

ISIS — an acronym for the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria — started as an al Qaeda splinter group. It is fighting to create an Islamic state across Sunni areas of Iraq and Syria. It has taken over large swaths of northern and western Iraq and is known for carrying out public executions, crucifixions and other inhumane acts.

It has been known to recruit volunteer fighters via social media.

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