Jindal jokes: ‘You mean I’m not white?’

Gov. Bobby Jindal on Monday slammed liberals for being “obsessed with race,” calling it “silly” to divide people by their race.

“I think the left is obsessed with race,” Jindal, a Louisiana Republican, said Monday at a breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor. “The dumbest thing we can do is divide people by the color of their skin.”

The remarks came after a faux-controversy erupted when a liberal Louisiana blogger tweeted out a picture of a painting of Jindal, in which the Indian-American governor appears to be white.

The portrait, which is currently displayed in the Louisiana state capitol, is not Jindal’s official portrait and was reportedly privately commissioned by a Jindal supporter.

When asked his thoughts on the painting, Jindal addressed the issue with a dose of humor:

“You mean I’m not white?” Jindal joked Monday. “I think this whole thing is silly.”

Jindal also gave the Daily Caller blogger who asked the question his “permission to put a disclaimer note that I’m not white” on every picture and story about him.

Jindal has faced criticism in recent weeks for statements he’s made and doubled down on regarding radical Islam, Muslim immigrants and so-called “no-go” zones in Europe — accused by some of being racist or Islamophobic.

“This is nonsense,” Jindal said. “We’re all Americans and one of the great things, one of the great aspects of our countries is we’ve been a melting pot and it shouldn’t matter whether you came here five minutes ago or 100 years ago.”

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