Jeb Bush to release emails, e-book chapter

Jeb Bush, in an effort to portray himself as a transparent and accessible leader, will release a hoard of emails on Tuesday, along with the first chapter of his e-book.

A Bush sourced confirmed Monday that the former Florida governor will post on his website about 275,000 emails from his time as the state’s chief executive from 1999-2007.

The emails have already been obtained, analyzed and published by media outlets, including CNN, and American Bridge — a Democratic opposition research group — but Bush’s decision to make them available himself is an attempt to get ahead of critics and opponents who’ll try to define Bush in their own way as he prepares for a potential presidential bid.

The first chapter of the e-book is written in first person and details the kind of governor he was, Bush announced on a conference call with former staff and campaign aides this morning. The Tampa Bay Times first reported the call.

Such public documents give reporters and voters a window into the leadership style and personality of public officials. A big takeaway from the emails when they were first published in December was that Bush was a prolific emailer and Blackberry user, and corresponded with hundreds of constituents and even job applicants. One email exchange showed Bush writing to a constituent after 11 p.m. about a raccoon in their tree.

Bush last month launched two political committees, both under the name “Right to Rise,” that allow him to hit the fundraising trail and court donors as he lays the groundwork for a possible White House bid.

He held his first public speech this year when he spoke last week at the Detroit Economic Club, attempting to deliver a message of hope and opportunity for the middle class while also drawing a subtle contrast to 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney.

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