This week in politics: Hand-washing, vaccines and ‘Downton Abbey’

It was another wild week in politics:

Things have gotten worse in Ukraine and the U.S. is considering providing assistance to the military.

News broke that ISIS had burned a Jordanian pilot alive, renewing questions about President Barack Obama’s strategy when it comes to the terrorist group.

Rep. Aaron Schock, R-Illinois, had a no good, very bad week.

The vaccine controversy reached Capitol Hill, where politicians were put on the spot.

Jeb Bush went to Detroit to talk about his views on the economy.

The FCC chairman said that he wants to regulate high-speed Internet like a public utility.

Senate Democrats blocked Department of Homeland Security funding in order to protect the President’s immigration orders.

The House cast its 67th vote to repeal Obamacare.

Defense Secretary nominee Ash Carter faced the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Both sides of Capitol Hill held hearings on U.S.-Cuba relations, and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) saw his time to shine.

North Carolina Republican Sen. Thom Tillis said that the government shouldn’t require hand-washing in restaurants.

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