SCOTUS puts temporary hold on Texas execution

The Supreme Court on Thursday put a temporary hold on the execution of a Texas man — Lester Bower — who has been on death row for 30 years.

In a one page order, the Court agreed to temporarily grant a stay of execution until the justices decide whether to take up Bower’s case.

Bower was convicted in 1984 of taking part in the murder of four men while attempting to steal an ultra-light aircraft. The state argues that Bower was “properly convicted and sentenced to die” for the brutal murders of Bobby Tate, Philip Good, Ronald Mayes and Jerry Brown.

But lawyers for Bower argue in part that their client has “steadfastly maintained his innocence” and that there is a “significant lingering doubt regarding guilt or innocence.”

His lawyers say that throughout his time on death row he has “suffered through six death settings” and has not abused the legal system.

In court papers they say, “By any standard, the length of of Mr. Bower’s incarceration on death row is ‘unusual’ and far outside anything the Framers of the Constitution would have considered acceptable rather than cruel.”

The Court will likely consider the case in an upcoming closed door conference.

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