Oklahoma Elementary Honored as Distinguished Title I School

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DUBOIS – Oklahoma Elementary School has been honored as a 2015 Distinguished Title I School by the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Division of Federal Programs.

Each year, the Division of Federal Programs honors the top performing Title I schools in Pennsylvania.

This year, the department used the approved ESEA Flexibility Waiver designation of Reward: High Achievement and Reward: High Progress.

Reward: High Achievement schools are the highest 5 percent of Title I schools based on aggregate math and reading PSSA or Keystone scores and met all Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs).

Reward: High Progress schools are the highest 5 percent Title I schools based on aggregate progress in closing the achievement gap in reading and math for PSSA and or algebra I/literature for Keystone Exams combined for the All Student group and the Historically Underperforming Student group.

Oklahoma was among the 96 Title I schools to be named Distinguished Schools based on that criterion.

The Department of Education honored Oklahoma Elementary at the 2015 Title I Improving Schools’ Performance Conference at the Sheraton Station Square in Pittsburgh.  All distinguished schools were honored at the conference, and highlighted within the conference program.

As well, all of these schools will be eligible to be chosen as Pennsylvania’s National Title I Distinguished School. National Title I Distinguished Schools will be honored at the National Title I Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah in February.

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