Amorous New Yorkers seek ‘blizzard buddies’

Forget the bread and milk. Some snowbound New Yorkers are seeking a more, er, intimate kind of nourishment.

With the Northeast U.S. bracing for a massive storm that’s expected to drop up to 3 feet of snow before it ends Tuesday, a flurry of New Yorkers are placing online ads seeking “blizzard buddies” for companionship, snuggling and, in so many words, sex.

A search of Craiglist’s recent personal ads for “snow” or “blizzard” turns up scores of New York-area listings — many not safe for work — from city dwellers looking for someone to hook up with while the storm rages outside.

“Seeking snuggle buddy for upcoming blizzard. Will make u pancakes and coffee and hot chocolate all day. You’ll also get my Netflix password. I have lots of thick blankets and interesting books to read if we get snowed in,” read one of the tamer listings, from a 26-year-old man in Ridgewood, New Jersey.

“As we all know Snow Sandy is coming our way, and there is nothing worse than being trapped along in your apartment with nothing to do. As such why not ride out the blizzard with me?” asked a New York man who gave his name as Alex. “I’m tall and athletic 6′ 2″ 185, and generally considered to be good looking, smart, and funny. I’m a great snuggler, and excellent cook, and should it get that far …” added the would-be Lothario, who then went on to describe his other, um, physical attributes.

Then there was the guy in New York’s Chelsea neighborhood who posted a shirtless photo of himself, flexing his biceps, along with this greeting: “What’s up ladies, Snowing outside. I can make it snow inside too.”

We’re not even sure what that means.

Many of the ads contained euphemistic references to “cuddling” or “snuggling,” although some blizzard booty calls were much more explicit. A few included photos of … body parts.

Most of the listings were from men seeking women or other men, but some women placed snow-buddy ads as well.

“Looking for someone interesting to platonically chat with during the snow and see where it goes,” posted a 47-year-old woman seeking a “snow friend.”

Of course, the “casual encounters” section of Craigslist has long been a hotbed of sexual solicitations and even alleged prostitution, but the “blizzard buddy” wrinkle appears to be new.

On social media, however, many observers expressed horror at the idea of being trapped in a snowbound apartment with a frisky stranger.

In fact, at least one Twitter user took the idea of “horror” literally.

“BRB, registering the name of my new slasher movie screenplay, BLIZZARD BUDDIES,” @walrusmaster wrote.

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