Senator’s daughter doesn’t think Biden’s ‘creepy’

Contrary to popular belief, Sen. Chris Coons’ daughter doesn’t think Vice President Joe Biden is “creepy.”

At least, that’s what her father told Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace in an interview this weekend when he was asked about his daughter’s interaction with Biden during the senator’s swearing-in reenactment last week.

“I have to ask, ’cause a lot of people have been speculating about it, does she think the vice president is creepy?” Wallace asked.

“No, Chris,” Coons laughed. “She doesn’t think the vice president is creepy.”

The clip of Maggie Coons looking slightly uncomfortable as Biden kisses her on the head and whispers in her ear went viral last week.

Coons said, however, Biden was simply offering reassurance to his daughter, and that the vice president — who held Coons’ Delaware senate seat before resigning to serve in the White House — has known his children their whole lives.

“I could hear him,” he said. “He was leaning forward and whispering some encouragement to her about how when he was sworn in his own daughter Ashley was 13 and she felt awkward and uncomfortable.”

And Maggie Coons, the senator said, isn’t uncomfortable with all the attention she’s received.

“I think she’s pleasantly surprised that more people have heard of her than have heard of me,” he said.

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