Dershowitz files court motion over sexual misconduct allegation

Prominent U.S. lawyer Alan Dershowitz has filed a motion asking a federal court to “strike the allegations made against him” regarding alleged sexual misconduct involving underage girls.

In the same document, filed Monday, Dershowitz requested “a show cause order against” the lawyers for the woman making this claim “and awarding such other relief that the Court deems just and proper.”

Along with Britain’s Prince Andrew and others, Dershowitz was named in a federal court filing in Florida last week as one of the prominent people who had sexual contact with teenage girls through self-made billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, who pleaded guilty some years ago in Florida to a state charge of prostitution solicitation.

Dershowitz, a Harvard University professor and high-profile lawyer, has never been charged with a crime in this case, nor has he been sued by the alleged victim.

In a sworn affidavit also filed Monday, Dershowitz blasted what he called “totally false and outrageous charges against me that have been reported around the world and threaten to damage my reputation irrevocably.”

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