The Impact of Marcellus Shale Development on Health and Health Care

The Center for Rural Pennsylvania commissioned a Marcellus Shale Impacts study, the second looking at health and health care.

Little is known about the potential human health effects of Marcellus Shale drilling and related development activities. It is likely that different phases of drilling and development may affect human health differently; some aspects of drilling may impact health directly, and other health effects may be indirect.

This research examines changes in healthcare services, the use of healthcare services, reported injuries, and emergency medical service complaints in the four study counties (Bradford, Greene, Lycoming and Washington) before and after the start of Marcellus Shale development; across regions; and across varying degrees of intensity of Marcellus Shale development.

The objective was to determine if incidences of certain health status indicators and demand for healthcare services changed in the study counties during the years that Marcellus drilling activity increased. The quantitative data were supplemented with information obtained from regional focus groups held with health, housing, and human service professionals.

This research is exploratory and should not be treated as conclusive. However, it provides the basis for additional research to determine the relationship of Marcellus Shale development to health and health services use.

Results indicated that:

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