Ted Cruz to speak at ritzy Passover getaways

Sen. Ted Cruz hasn’t decided whether he’ll be hitting the presidential campaign trail in 2015, but he’s scheduled to hit the Passover speaking circuit next year.

Cruz, who has been actively courting major Jewish and pro-Israel donors in recent months, is listed to speak at four ritzy Passover getaways this spring in California, Colorado and Puerto Rico, according to a post from organizers promoting the events. Cruz has spoken at length in the past about the need to support Israel and has called a nuclear Iran the top national security threat to the United States.

Cruz, a tea party and evangelical favorite, is billed as a speaker at the four resorts alongside several leading rabbis and Malcolm Hoenlein, a major player in the pro-Israel lobby and the executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.

One event where Cruz is slated to speak is set at the five-diamond St. Regis Monarch Beach Resort in California, where stays range from $5,600 to $11,000 per person for the full 10-day stay, according to the Prime Hospitality Group, which organizes the getaways.

A Cruz adviser told Politico, who first reported the story, that the Texas Republican will only speak at one event. Cruz’s office has not responded to CNN’s request for comment.

The organization’s website bills Cruz as an ardent supporter of Israel, quoting Mort Klein, the President of the right wing pro-Israel group, the Zionist Organization of America.

The Prime Experience website also lists one of Cruz’s deputy chief of staff Nick Muzin as a speaker, though it’s not clear at which events he will speak.

Cruz reportedly met with top Jewish donors in New York City in November, according to the New York Observer. He also met privately with casino mogul and Jewish Republican donor Sheldon Adelson in November.

Cruz left the stage at an event celebrating Middle Eastern Christians in September after he was booed for expressing his support for Israel.

“If you will not stand with Israel, then I will not stand with you,” Cruz said at the event in September.

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