Clearfield Commissioners Approve Budget Without Tax Increase

CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield County Commissioners passed a resolution finalizing its 2015 budget without any tax increase at yesterday’s regular meeting.

The county’s budget maintains real estate taxes at 18.5 mills. The millage rate has been 18.5 mills since 2011, according to previous reports.

The general fund budget has $17,999,994 in revenues and expenditures. In addition to its general fund, it has a sub-total of $30,276,877 in revenues and $30,982,290 in expenditures.

The county will move approximately $280,000 from its operating reserve into its general fund in order to balance the budget, said Commissioner John A. Sobel, chair. He noted that the commissioners’ final budget included the following amendments, which:

With exception to debt service and hotel tax staying the same and Children & Youth increasing, expenses decreased for all other county line items, said Commissioner Joan Robinson-McMillen.

“Everyone has had to tighten their belts,” she said. Commissioner Mark B. McCracken commended the county’s elected officials and department heads for understanding the budget situation and the lack of new revenue sources.

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