Secretary of Commonwealth Announces List of Candidates and Committees Missing Campaign Finance Filing Deadline

HARRISBURG – Secretary of the Commonwealth Carol Aichele has announced the list of candidates and candidates’ authorized committees that failed to file campaign finance reports for the reporting period ending Dec. 4.

A candidate or candidate’s committee is considered noncompliant with the campaign finance reporting law if a late fee is owed or the required report has not been submitted for the current reporting cycle.  Once the candidate or authorized committee has met all obligations, the candidate or authorized committee will be removed from this list.

A candidate or candidate’s committee may have filed by the deadline, and thus be in compliance and not on this list, even though the report may not yet be posted to the campaign finance website.

The list of candidates and candidates authorized committees which failed to meet the reporting deadline is available by visiting the Department of State webpage,, then clicking on “Campaign Finance Deadline Missed” under Hot Topics.

The Department of State receives and files campaign finance reports for state legislature, governor, and lieutenant governor, and committees expending money to influence state elections.  All candidates on the general election ballot who file with the Department of State must submit campaign finance reports for the period endingDec. 4, 30 days following the general election.

The department levies fines for late campaign finance reports.  However, other enforcement of campaign finance law violations is handled by the state attorney general’s office.

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