Olanta Woman to Stand Trial in Assault Case

CLEARFIELD – All charges were held for court against an Olanta woman accused of assault after a preliminary hearing during Centralized Court on Wednesday at the Clearfield County Jail.

Terra Lynn Rowles, 26, of Olanta has been charged with burglary; criminal trespass; harassment; simple assault; terroristic threats; and disorderly conduct. Her bail has been set at $50,000 monetary.

According to the affidavit of probable cause, Curwensville Borough police received a report about an alleged assault Nov. 4 on South Street. The victim told police she was at her residence when someone knocked at her door; upon opening it, Rowles asked the victim her name.

When the victim identified herself, Rowles allegedly started striking her and then entered her residence uninvited. The victim allegedly suffered a lump on her head and a black and blue chin, the affidavit states. Police observed and photographed the marks on the victim.

In a written statement, the victim told police that Rowles showed up at her residence and entered “swinging her fists.” She said Rowles punched her in the nose, called her names and threatened to murder her.

According to the victim, after Rowles punched her in the left cheek, she dropped to the floor and covered her face. Despite asking her to stop, she said Rowles continued to hit her, pull her hair and kick her.

“She told me to ‘get up that she was not done with me,’” the victim told police. She said Rowles got tired of hitting her, gave her a warning and left. The victim told police she had blood all over her kitchen wall and floor.

When she noticed bruising later in the day, the victim said she was advised to contact police. When asked about blood being on the wall, she told police she’d cleaned it up; police observed a spot of blood on the victim’s jeans and photographed it.

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