LT Supers Fill Board Vacancies

CLEARFIELD – At last night’s meeting, the Lawrence Township Supervisors approved to appoint Dave Nelson and Brandy Owens to the Township Planning Commission after reviewing their submitted letters of interest.

A letter if interest was also received from R.J. Ward, a senior at Clearfield High School, for a junior member vacancy on the Recreational Park Board. The supervisors approved to appoint Ward. It was noted that there is still an opening for a second junior member seat on the board.

Russell Triponey submitted a letter of interest in being reappointed to the Clearfield Municipal Authority (CMA), which the supervisors also approved.

Supervisor Ed Brown brought up an issue with the local animal control vehicle.  The supervisors agreed that the current pick-up truck is not worth repairing.

Supervisor Dan Mitchell said he talked to Clearfield Borough Operations Manager Leslie Stott about sharing the cost of replacing the vehicle. He said Stott agreed the borough would share costs up to $5,000 for a new vehicle.

The supervisors agreed to purchase a new or newer used small pick-up truck with a cap to replace the current animal control vehicle, with costs not to exceed $10,000.

Mitchell reported several more home sewage smoke tests were conducted, with most showing problems.

Mitchell also said the township leaf vacuum pick-up will end this Friday but bagged leaves will continue to be picked up.

Chairman Bill Lawhead said he wanted to point out a misstatement in the newspaper reports of CMA’s meeting last month. He noted that the reports implied a fine CMA incurred from the state Department of Environmental Protection was attributed to Lawrence Township. He wanted to verify that the fine was for an update report that CMA did not file in time, and had nothing to do with the township or overflow issues with the sewage system.

Secretary/Treasurer Barb Shaffner reported that the township received a $500 donation from American Exploration Company, a new business located on the Clearfield-Curwensville Highway.

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