Adult Cosmetology Students Win Pumpkin Decorating Contest

(Provided photo)
(Provided photo)

CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield County Career & Technology’s adult cosmetology program won the public’s vote in the annual pumpkin decorating contest during fall visitation on Oct. 23.

The theme for their pumpkin was “Bootiful Boutique.”  Adult cosmetology also won a pizza party for having the most sign-in visitors in their program that evening.

Students, kneeling from left, are Cassidy Bowman and Teaica Putillion.

In the second row, from left, are Vicky Walker, Alyssa Jasper, Leigha Miles, Nicole Gillingham, Amanda Little and Nichole Reed.

Standing in the back, from left, are Jilyn Ott and Molley Charles.


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